COU COU is an artist led, non-profit arts project based near Oxford UK that curates art, performance and participatory art and works with partner arts organisations to do so.
​COU COU supports artists through mentoring and by offering opportunities for professional development. We especially welcome artists who are continuing art practice in later life.
COU COU facilitates studio based and remote residencies with emerging & mid career artists from the UK and internationally.
COU COU encourages dialogue between artists & curators and offers the studio and events as a shared critical context.
​COU COU shares its activities with an art going audience and in the wider community through exhibitions, talks and events.
COU COU curators are artists Clare Carswell, who founded the project in 2010, and Peta Lloyd. We invite guest curators to develop projects and to support selection of artists.
To work with us please contact us with your proposal.
We are happy to meet to chat over your ideas.
COU COU because our curatorial presence is as a creative cuckoo inhabiting a physical or conceptual nest, which we invite others to share.
COU COU the call of the cuckoo, is recognised everywhere and embodies our aim to use the universal language of creativity to communicate.